Technical Guidelines for the Realization of Standardized Transfontanellar Ultrasound (TU)

Name of the course: Technical Guidelines for the Realization of Standardized Transfontanellar Ultrasound (TU)

Edition of the course: 1st Edition

Course Duration: 10 minutes

Course enrollment: Enrollment is available for the duration of the trial

If you are involved in TTREOCAPA Trial, please contact your National Hub to enrol.

Your National Hub’s Referent Person for Training and Education will verify your eligibility and provide you with the course’s enrolment password.

Once you receive the password, please log in on the c4c Academy platform. If you do not have an account yet, click “Create new account” and follow the instructions.

General Description:

The course is aimed to explain how to perform a TU which is an exam required for the TREOCAPA study. In fact, the ultimate purpose of this course is to ensure the TUs are realized following the exact same method across the 65 investigational sites in order to obtain standardized images for the entire study.

TU is an efficient technique to diagnose intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) grade III-IV or cystic leukomalacia, which are some of the primary endpoints of the TREOCAPA study phase III.



  1. Imaging technique
  2. Required images list (coronal and sagittal planes) for Standardized TU for Treocapa study

Who is the course for?

This training is intended to the staff who will be in charge of performing and interpreting the TU (neonatologists, radiologists, specialized technicians) and to the research nurses who will be entering data and uploading pictures to the eCRF.

Max. number of persons that each national hub can enrol: 30

Bloom’s taxonomy level of the course:


Flavie Sadones

Olivier Baud

 Jean-Christophe Roze