Enrolment closes 27th February 2024 

Title of Course:
Issues Experienced in Adolescent Clinical Trials

Start date of enrolment: 11th Dec 2023

Enrolment closes: 27th Feb 2024 (It is possible to enrol after this date but you will miss the course live webinar scheduled for 28th Feb 2024)

Start date of course: 9th Feb 2024

End date of course: 30th Apr 2024

Course duration: 7-8 hours


To enrol in this course, please contact your National Hub who will supply you with the course password.

Your National Hub’s Referent Person for Training and Education will verify your eligibility to enrol in the Course and provide you with the Course’s enrolment password.

Once you receive this Course’s Enrolment Password from your National Hub, please log in on c4c Academy Platform.

If you don’t have an account yet, click on Create new account and follow the instructions.

General Description

In the last decades significant attention has been paid to the community impact of health disorders in the developmental age, however relatively little focus has been placed on characterizing trends in how the research has responded through specific issues in conducting clinical trials within this population.

Specifically, trial features, such as trial design, targeted disorders, intervention types and trial funders should be better defined to comply with children and adolescent needs. This course will provide a theoretical and practical opportunity to learn how to deal with the most important issues in adolescent clinical trials and how to improve trial design and retention and how to manage difficult situations that may arise during the trial.


This course will consist of 7 pre-recorded lectures (approx. 30-40 minutes each in duration) and a live webinar (1 hour) to be held on February 28th 2024). The purpose of the webinar is for learners to interact with the teachers and discuss topics raised in the lectures. Learners are encouraged to watch all pre-recorded lectures in advance of the webinar. There will also be an end of course online quiz which will include 1-2 questions from each of the teachers.

The  lectures include:

  1. Introduction on main issues in adolescent clinical trials

  2. Stigma and awareness of illness in the adolescent population

  3. Ethical and legal aspects of clinical trials in the adolescent population (the assent form)

  4. Sex differences in clinical trials

  5. How psychiatric comorbidity can impact on participation to trials

  6. Retention, placebo/nocebo response and maps of risks and possible solutions

  7. The Patient perspective and the critical interaction with parents

Who is the course for?

This course is suitable for Principal Investigators, Sub Investigators, Study coordinators and Research nurses.

**if you are interested into taking part in this course, please contact your country’s National Hub

Max. number of persons that each national hub can enrol:

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level of the Course:
1, 2


  • Sara Carucci

  • Marta Balzarini

  • Marta Ciuffi

  • Mariana Iskiv

  • Peter Nagy

  • Benedetto Vitiello

  • Begonya Nafria

  • Maria Cavaller